Freshman Year – Crash Course…

So while making jewelry and blogging about random happenings may be one of my “jobs” I am also pursuing my teaching credential AND I worked for the last four years as a peer/civic mentor for University 101 a class run by the First Year Experience office at my college campus. Basically, I helped freshman transition into college without having any kind of meltdown. After a year as a freshman myself, and four years working with them (using all research-based approaches) I have some valuable insight I’d like to share with you:

1) Go to class.

I know, you’ve heard it before but seriously GO TO CLASS. Statistics show that just showing up even if you feel like you’re half asleep improves your grade. Professors notice and come finals when you’re freaking out and between a C and B if you made the effort to show up to class they will be so much more willing to take pity and help you.

2) Put your lanyard away 

I realize this is how you are storing your dorm key, but for God’s sake take it off in class and between class and PLEASE do not wear it out at night you might as well wear a neon sign saying FRESHMAN. Nothing gives you away quicker than a CA STATE Lanyard

3) Moderation 

When I go out and give talks to freshman classes I never stand up there and preach to them about the dangers of going out too much and how having a social life is not important you’re here to learn blah blah blah….because that would be hypocritical. I have done my fair share of “socializing” and I still maintained a high GPA.

A GPA high enough to qualify me to graduate with honors and special recognition for the highest GPA in my class (yes I’m bragging, but only because I had a 2.8 in high school so this smart kid stuff is new and exciting). I do however preach moderation. Too much social life and you flunk out and go home and then you’re really lame, not enough social life and you’ll lose it, fast.

4) Organize 

This saved my life. I got a daily planner I brought to class to jot down anything the professor reminded us about and had a larger calendar on the wall in my dorm marked with upcoming large projects like tests and papers so I could spot a particularly rough week coming in advance and prepare myself.

There’s no slack, no room to let things slip through you have to be on top of everything all the time. FYI: your syllabus is your contract with the professor, so if you’re absent whatever is on the syllabus is still your responsibility and they don’t like excuses.

5) Rush

No not like rush through things, rush a frat or sorority! I’m biased because I’m Greek but it’s seriously one of the best decisions I’ve made in college. My sisters changed my life, my sisters saved my life. They have outlasted every boy and every relationship and are my constant through all the crazy.

We have a saying about Greek life “from the outside looking in you can never understand it, from the inside looking out you can never explain it” and it’s so true you can’t really understand the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood you make in the Greek system, but they are truly unique.

6) You Are Liminal

Okay time to be a research nerd, liminality refers to being “betwixt and between” and in the case of a student moving from high school senior to college freshman they are between identities. Why is this important? Because you have to be aware of the idea that the identity that worked for you in high school may not (and most likely will not) work in college.

Ex: being a class clown, texting in class, acting like you don’t care because you’re afraid to fail, etc. Along with entering college be prepared to shape a new identity because most of your high school practices will get left behind

7) Find Your Niche 

Schools have clubs for EVERYTHING try a few things out and find your niche, find your people because this identity business I mentioned above, well the communities you associate yourself with will  shape those identities. Students who form strong relationships are more successful and more likely to graduate.

8) Depression Peaks at Midterms 

We used to schedule our University 101 class to go over mental health and wellness around this time because studies show it’s when depression peaks. Midterms may be the first time you really see your grades and students who thought they were doing swimmingly find out they are failing and it’s a huge shock.

This is halfway through the semester and homesickness is probably setting in as well. Knowing that you are susceptible to feel particularly down around this time can help you prepare for and combat it

9) Don’t YOLO too Hard….

I get that college is all “OmG YoU oNlY lIvE oNcE” (uh it took me forever to type that…), but this is real life and these things may come back to bite you. “What happened last night will be on facebook tomorrow” is a good way to think of things, I also like the saying “if you don’t want people to know about it, don’t do it”

10) Don’t take it too seriously 

I’ve seen more freshman get worked into a frenzy over the smallest things, deal with it one problem at a time and move on you’re going to be okay and your life is not over. Deep breaths….now get out of my way.

Because Coffee and Cold Go Perfectly….

Apologies dear readers for the lack of postings, 6th grade is harder than I remembered! I’ve also been dealing with some technical issues with SkinnyRist and some conflict – but that is beside the point and out of my hands! Anyways, SR is introducing a new color!

Sadly, I don’t yet have any bracelet photos to post of it, but as soon as I catch my breath (and dig my way out of student homework) I will be setting straight to work on making as many brilliant pieces as I can with this gorgeous new color. So what is it? Drumroll please……we will now be utilizing another of Pantone‘s picks for fall: French Roast! Yum!

What the What??

Guess I’m a bit behind (as usual….) but Miley what in God’s name have you done?!?

Just sayin… awkward

Gimp Bracelets Are On Fire, but what makes them so hot?

If you frequent Etsy then you know about brands like helloberry, Doctor’s Closet, Punch Bracelets, Foxy Doll, SkinnyRist (hey ohhh), and more that specialize in gimp arm candy. But what is it about these super unique, ultra trendy bangles that’s got everyone going crazy? We came up with our top 10 reasons that gimp bracelets are your style must-have:

1) Color: gold and silver chain is gorgeous, but the extra pop of color that you get from the gimp lacing is what makes these bracelets extra special and extraordinary

2) Different: lanyard bracelets were popular back in the camp days, but they’re renewed now for a style that takes a retro favorite and mixes it with fashion chain – there’s nothing like it in the mainstream…not yet anyways

3) Affordable: these bracelets range from $50-$10! SkinnyRist regular cobra bangles are only $18, and our mini cobras are just $12 so you can collect them all and stack them high for the cutest arm party ever!

4) Variety: every shop has a huge variety of colors and styles, because there are many stores selling these bracelets on Etsy there’s competition to be the first to come out with the new hit style so shops are constantly searching for new, undiscovered styles and ways to use gimp!

5) Easy to Wear: I have a think about being comfortable and I can’t stand to wear jewelry that isn’t easy to wear, durable, and comfortable. Gimp bracelets are lightweight, come in a variety of sizes if you prefer extra large or more delicate and are made to take a beating and last through ti

6) Eye-Catching: pretty much everywhere I go wearing SkinnyRist I get asked about my bracelets, where did I get them? When I say I made them people get so impressed and want to know how or compliment my interesting jewelry. People always think gimp bracelets are incredibly unique and interesting and want to know more

7) Retro: I love the look on people’s faces when I tell them my bracelet is made from gimp like the old school craft lacing that you used back in the camp days they laugh and then they have to see it again and love that it’s a modern, grown-up twist on a retro favorite!

8) Versatile: these bracelets can dress up or down, I wear them running errands, to school, out with friends on the weekends and my mom wears them (the ones she pilfers from my stash…) to all the same places and even to work (she’s a VP of sales), which is a huge deal because she’s crazy particular about how she dresses for work

9) Guaranteed Handmade: the only way to make these gorgeous accessories is by hand so you know that each one is totally unique and handmade, while the possibility for variety might distress some people most will think it’s very cool that every piece of jewelry is 100% made to order for them personally

10) They haven’t peaked yet: these bracelets are crazy popular on Etsy, but no main stream stores have started mass producing cobra-style chunky chain bracelets yet that means that they haven’t even started trending so they can only get hotter as major designers start picking them up!

What are you waiting for? Go Get Yours NOW!! 

Romance Is Trending For Fall!

The big prediction for fall is a romantic look to jewelry, cream and rose hues and anything with a vintage look – especially gold! 70s vintage is also going to be big with muted-tone metals and jewelry featuring geometric patterns. Earth tones and leaf/flower prints are also said to be making their way into major designs.

1) Geometric Drop Earrings 2) Cutout Triple Arrow Necklace 3) Dream Catcher Necklace 4) Dusty Rose Enamel Hoops

This is a blog for a JEWELRY business, so you had to know we were going to tackle what’s coming up and super hot for fall 2012 because an outfit is nothing without a seriously stylish arm party! 1) Alexander McQueen & 2) Ben-Amun Bangles – wide and full of color these arm party classics are here to stay! 3) Chunky Chain – nothing compliments an extra-wide bangle than a matching bracelet with extra-wide chain, this over the top and attention-grabbing trend is back for the fall! 4) Alternative Colors – funky color combinations and big pops of color are in, wear a piece like this to brighten a neutral-tone ensemble!

Looking for more affordable ways to rock these trends? Don’t worry we got you covered! 1) SkinnyRist Shady Lady Gray Cobra Bangle: chunky gold chain and Pantone color pick for fall Titanium! 2) SurLhistoire Vintage Enamel Cuff: boasts a beautiful neutral cream color and the extra-wide cuff style! 3) ItsCalledJewelry Pyramid Cuff: super trendy with the contrast of bright metal and colored crystal detail! 4) Oiajules Chunky Gold Chain Link Bracelet: extra chunky gold curb chain plus a pop of color with a faceted aquamarine quartz!

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